Week Four

The week began with two nights of fireworks, lasers, and incredibly loud sound systems as the city celebrated the inauguration of the controversial new Ram temple in Uttar Pradesh.

At the Institute this week we practised Arm Balances and more Backbends. We had a very fun class on Tuesday evening with Abhijata where we rolled from Halasana into a variety of forward bends very dynamically. I was grinning from ear to ear after such an uplifting practice! Some of the classes are hybrid, so although we do not take photos of the yoga, sometimes friends in the UK are online and spot you in the class! Primarily, classes we attend are for our own learning and improving, so we can integrate and feel the yoga working, quietly, without documentation, including note taking.

On Wednesday I visited the Pune Handmade Paper Company. It was fascinating to see the process. Using 100% cotton remnants they make the most beautiful paper in different weights and textures. They also blend in recycled paper to make a range of coloured paper. There was even paper made of 50% cow dung - apparently used for packaging herbs. They create a range of paper and products like lamps and packaging. Even the gift shop walls are made of papier mache!

I really love the creativity here in India. I've been creating two Sketchbooks during my visit and one of my very favourite things about this trip is having the time to make Art, drawing, painting and collaging every day.

I was allowed to observe the Senior class on Thursday. It was a very busy and popular class with two teachers and just a few of us observing and helping by handing out props and supports.

Friday was Republic Day and local school children, with Indian flags painted on their faces, were out marching, playing music and celebrating. Indian flags fluttered on every vehicle and building and people wore clothes in the colours of the flag of India 🇮🇳. My favourite shop had masses of balloons outside and the whole family wanted a photo with me! Happy Republic Day!

Visiting yogis at the Institute began to return to their home countries towards the weekend. Meeting and studying alongside others from India, Australia, US, Belgium, Italy, France, Netherlands, German, UK, Korea, to name a few, has been fantastic. There are some big names here, well known international teachers, who have been coming here annually for decades.

January continues until Wednesday so some of us will begin a 5th week here, taking classes on Monday and Tuesday before travelling home.

The whole month in Pune has been wonderful. India has been amazing, surprising and life affirming, it really has been a joy. All my favourite things are here - Yoga, Art, Textiles and swimming. I would love to return one day, but I am also really looking forward to going home to my family, friends and students.

Hope to see you on a yoga mat very, very soon!

Namaste 🙏
